
Business vs. Stay at Home

Those of you who know me, know that in addition to being the amazing photographer that I am (hehe), I am also a full time mommy. This past Monday, I made my way to Long Beach, for the WPPI roadtrip conference. A bunch of "tion" words come to mind when trying to describe my day, inspiration, motivation, conviction, overwhelmation ... =) jk on the last one. Anyway, one of the overriding themes of most of the speakers was: "OUTSOURCE!"

I was thinking about this today.... and as a business, especially photography, it makes sense to do what we do best, and have other take those the things we're not so good at. For most photographers, this is editing and post processing. For me, I think it will be marketing and accounting. =/ I was definitely not trained in either of those areas.

Then, I got to thinking about everything else I do in my life and what else I'm not so good at (or just dont like doing) and what can I outsource???? Of course, this came to me as I was vacuuming my car. =)

Where is the balance between the DIY side of being a housewife and mommy and the I just am not good at that. I'm always shocked at the projects and "fix it"s that my husband takes on. I usually just think "why dont you just work an extra OT hour and hire someone to fix our toilet"... but he's a hands on guys, so more power to him. Me, on the other hand.... I could most definitely outsource cleaning, dishes (which have been clean in the dishwasher for 2 days) and LAUNDRY!!! oh, how the laundry is never ending. but... then I'd probably just spend that time working or playing on facebook or pinterest. So I guess I'll table the idea to outsource my "housewife" duties for now, but I think it will just have to come up again in the future. =)

p.s. I have to give my husband tons and tons of credit for all of the "housewify" things he helps out with around the house. not only does he do all his work laundry at the firestation, but he also does a good majority of our housecleaning... so what am I complaining about?